Sunday, November 27, 2011

the heels are alive.

The consolation one can get from working as a school teacher is the relief of not worrying what to wear everyday. I have not heard any school that does not impose wearing of uniforms for teachers and other members of the workforce. Some may find the instance of having the same outfit as everyone else boring and not so cool at all, but I guess having a uniform is better than spending lotsa moolah from time to time for clothes, just because you don't want to do a repeat performance of your apparel.


So how can you not look so dull when wearing a uniform? How can one stand out and be unique from the sea of  "look-alikes and just-the-sames"?

Of course, there's the hair color, the make-up, a very loud lip color as if it's shouting your name already, and then of course, you have your SHOES. =)

Just the other day, I bought a new pair of hot fuchsia pink shoes for my new uniform, which happened to be dark blue in color. One thing I have learned when wearing a uniform, you could always experiment with the color of the shoes you would be wearing. A little mix and match of colors would not hurt, as long as it looks good on you. You may ask for the opinion of others, so they could give you a tip or two on how you could enhance your get-up.

Pretty cute, don't you agree? I bought these darlings for Php999 from So! Fab, a shoe store which is very generous enough to go on sale from time to time.

Killer heels, these are. I purchased this on a Friday, and the following day, I wore them to do a break-in. Practicing how to walk is the key to a successful pulling-off of stilettos and heels. To add more comfort to your feet, change to flats when you're just sitting behind your desk. Just slip back on those heels when you leave the office. What you can do also is to wear flats on your way home, so as not to injure your feet. Wearing heels can give you that sassy look, but wearing it too long could destroy all the cuteness and sexiness in a girl.

So there you have it.

Heels+Confidence+Smile on your face = one charming creature. ;)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Your two cents for my pea-sized thoughts.

And I thought I was just in for the "hell week" a week ago. But no, I think I have no option but to suck it up and let myself be dragged to this pit for another seven days or so.

How unusual that my first post would convey nothing but negativity. Then again, from these what everyone would like to call nowadays as "bad vibes"; this is where I draw clarity to let people know how I really feel. The challenge of not venting or ranting it out is becoming too hard to handle, because I am the type of person who believes in diplomacy. I get by with a little help from (coughs) ... words.

Despite the attitude that I have been dealing with lately, I am now back to my old self. My writing-self. I was actually pondering not so long ago that maybe the reason why I feel so f*cked up lately is because I have not written anything for a month. Maybe I got too overwhelmed to be part of some bloggers group, that I actually gave in to writing for PR. Yeah, it was fun writing for freebies and other stuff, but clearly, I now realize that it is not my "end-all-and-be-all" of blogging. It worked for others, in fact, blogging has been the source of income for many people I know. Not for me, I get it. It was worth the try, and at least I've tried. 

Now I am back to write, for myself. Of course, The Halfblotprincess would still be there to share the more sociable side of my insanity. This however, is for my everyday uh-ohs and boo-hoos, my yipee-yays and a-okays. 

My words for your two cents, your two cents for my words. 

I'm not in hell week all the time, you know. But yeah, that's where the pea-sized thoughts come out like a popcorn fresh and hot off the microwave.